Teak Care - Care and Maintenance Tips for Your Teak Furniture

Teak is known for its durability and solidity, requiring little maintenance even under severe climatic conditions. It not only withstands weather and wear better than any other wood; it is also resistant to moisture, rot and insects.

Teak wood products are categorised into outdoor and indoor uses. Both indoor and outdoor teak furniture are finished in several ways, including totally natural, oiled, sealed, and varnished. As indoor teak furniture gets less abused than outdoor teak furniture, maintenance is relatively less demanding.

How do I maintain my teak furniture?

To keep indoor teak furniture looking rich and beautiful, a thin coat of teak oil is all that’s needed. Oiling can be done about 3 times a year, with a bit of teak oil and a dry cloth. Do make sure that the furniture has been wiped down with a damp cloth and dried before oiling.

Occasionally, you can use a mild soap solution to clean your furniture. To help protect your wood against mould, mix white vinegar and water (with a few drops of lemon juice for fragrance), and wipe your furniture down. If you don't mind the smell of vinegar, you can also use undiluted white vinegar.

Note: test your cleaning solvent on a discreet area of your furniture before cleaning the rest of your furniture.

How do I restore the colour of teak left outdoors?

  1. Wash outdoor teak furniture with little soap and water to get rid of the oxidation as well as the dirt on the surface.
  2. Let the wood dry overnight.
  3. Sand the wood with fine grain sandpaper. 320 grit is recommended. Sand lightly to avoid scratching and follow the direction of the grain when sanding. Do not sand against the grain. The original color of the teak will start to return right after sanding.
  4. Use a dry cloth to wipe away any residue from the wood. The wood must be clean before applying the teak oil.
  5. For the maximum effect, use a brush lightly and evenly and apply the strokes a minimum of three times. Between coats, allow one hour to pass so that the oil can fully saturate the wood. After the oil becomes dry you should clean the surface oil off of the wood, which will not affect the color since that oil has already penetrated into the pores.


Before coating or oiling, teak wood needs to be completely clean. This can be done using a very soft brush/cloth with some warm mildly soapy water. Thereafter, rinse the teak with clean water.

Usage of high pressure hoses is not recommended as it may damage the furniture. Also, avoid steel wool or wire brushes as any residue left in the grain will rust and discolour the wood. It is best to avoid direct contact with hot/wet items, to prevent heat rings or water stains.

A beautifully grained wood like teak makes for a beautiful room centrepiece as a coffee table. Teak wood is available in light and darker brown varieties. When used as part of a well-designed home interior, teak wood can completely transform the mood of a room and even the whole house, creating a homely, welcoming atmosphere. Furthermore, because every piece of wood furniture is unique, each piece has unique qualities that make it suitable to your space and cannot be emulated anywhere else. Even in a dining set, the table and chairs will each have their own understated variances.


Oiling is not about protecting the teak furniture. Instead, it is used to enhance the beauty of teak wood, maintaining its warm appearance and tones. In other words, it is used to keep the furniture from weathering to a soft grey colour. In order to maintain the colour of the teak, it is only required to oil approximately three times a year.

Oiling requires multiple coats. Pour a small amount of teak oil onto a dry cloth (never directly onto the furniture) and gently coat the furniture. 2 or 3 coats will suffice.

Continue to oil the furniture, wiping away any excess until the teak wood can no longer absorb the oil. The teak furniture should have a matte finish without any shiny spots.

These steps may only be required once or twice a year, but long-term use of teak oil will help your furniture to eventually achieve that rich, deep, brown and shine that is a signature of teak wood.

Pair a teak wood sofa with a glass top coffee table and the natural beauty of the material will infuse warmth and character to any room. So, you never have to worry about a teak wood piece going out of style.

Note: Oiling is only necessary for varnished wood. For unvarnished pieces, oiling is not required as this may cause discolouration if not applied evenly. Simply wipe down your unvarnished piece with a damp cloth, and allow the natural teak oil to do the rest.

Writen by the Scanteak team
Posted on 21st December 2023

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